Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Zaire Burks, '25, B.A. in Music, Recording ArtsWhat did you want to be when...

Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Zaire Burks, '25, B.A. in Music, Recording ArtsWhat did you want to be when...
Music Huskie Spotlight Huskie Spotlight: Nate Lin, '24, Jazz PerformanceWhat did you want to be when you were growing...
Music Huskie Spotlight Huskie Spotlight: Abria Shaw, '24, Music EducationWhat is your major (and/or minor) and why did...
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Elizabeth Vieyra, Music Education, '23What did you want to be when you were growing up? Growing up I wanted to be an author, a detective and even a paleontologist. Finally around sixth grade, after starting band, I realized I...
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Brian Thompson, Music Education, '22What did you want to be when you were growing up? I wanted to be in the medical field in some capacity, but not sure what. Once I earned my associate's degree in occupational therapy, I...
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Daniël Smith, Music Performance, '25What did you want to be when you were growing up? When I was growing up, I wanted to be an Information Systems Specialist. I'm not pursuing that as a major now, and have chosen another path....
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Khadija Nagi, Jazz Performance, '25What did you want to be when you were growing up? When I was growing up I think I knew I wanted to do something with music before I even knew that was possible. I remember when I turned seven...
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Abria Shaw, Music Education and Vocal Performance, '24What did you want to be when you were growing up? Throughout my life I have bounced between different careers, but I always went back to wanting to be a music educator. I am...
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Hannah Kaspar, Music Performance, '22What did you want to be when you were growing up? When I was little I wanted to be a musician. I am pursuing that now in school.What is your major (and/or minor) and why did you decide on...
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Scott Anderson, Music Performance, '21What is your major (and/or minor) and why did you decide on this course of study? Music Performance. I chose this path to be equipped and prepared for my career as a performer and...
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Tse-Chun Liu, Master of Music, '22What did you want to be when you were growing up? When I was growing up, I was starting to learn music. Piano was my first major, and then I added cello as my second major. Now I would like to...
Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Jordan Radloff, Communications: Media Studies, minors in Music and Journalism, '22What did you want to be when you were growing up? I wanted to be an artist when I was growing up. I'd say my major and minors somewhat align with...