Huskie Spotlight Archives

Jack Holston, ’25, B.A. in Music, minor in Southeast Asian Studies

Music Huskie Spotlight Huskie Spotlight: Jack Holston, B.A. in Music with minor in Southeast Asian Studies, '25What did you want to be when you were growing up? When I was a kid, I didn't really know what I wanted to do as an "adult." I would toy around with many...

Evan Jacobson, ’23, Master of Music

Music Huskie Spotlight Huskie Spotlight: Evan Jacobson, '23, Master of MusicWhat did you want to be when you were growing up? I come from a musical family and my parents encouraged me to be active in school music programs from a young age.  Music was always just the...

Chanel Antoshin, ’25, Music Education

Music Huskie Spotlight Huskie Spotlight: Chanel Antoshin, Music Education, '25What did you want to be when you were growing up? I dreamed about be an elementary school teacher. I always played "teacher" with family and friends which shows as I am now a music educator...

Jennifer Estrada, Music Education, ’22

Music Huskie SpotlightHuskie Spotlight: Jennifer Estrada, Music Education, '22What did you want to be when you were growing up? Growing up I wanted to become a famous singer or actress. In elementary school, I was in choir all five years then joined band in fifth...
Megan Rault, ’23, Jazz Studies

Megan Rault, ’23, Jazz Studies

Music Huskie Spotlight Huskie Spotlight: Megan Rault, '24, Jazz StudiesWhat is your major (and/or minor) and why did...

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