We Insist! – Jazz and Black artists action community
WE INSIST! is a jazz and Black arts action community and an evolving project to convey a True history. WE INSIST! is intended to stimulate discussion, to exist in collaboration with the movement to protect Black lives, and to offer arts, educational, media, and...
The Black Music History Library
This is a living collection of books, articles, documentaries, series, podcasts and more about the Black origins of traditional and popular music dating from the 18th century to present day. Resources are organized chronologically and by genre for ease of browsing....
Something Happened in Our Town – animated version
Something Happened in Our Town - A child's story about racial injustice Book version
Poetry: This Skin That Carry My Worth
This Skin That Carry My Worth Earl Mills This skin that carry my worth, May be darker than You like We don’t all look alike, We vary from high yellow, to jet black. Our lips are thick and full, nose flat and wide The women’s hips are nice and round, And they sway from...
Ingenuity Chicago: YouTube playlist of some of their favorite Chicago-based musicians
Mindset listening A playlist of some of Ingenuity Chicago's favorite Chicago-based musicians
Talking about race: Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture
Talking about race, although hard, is necessary. We are here to provide tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversation. [Visit this website]
The New York Times: What is a museum? A dispute erupts over a new definition
LONDON — Museums are having an identity crisis. Answering the question of “What is a museum?” might seem easy to anyone who’s visited one, but it has provoked a furor at the International Council of Museums, a Paris-based nonprofit that aims to represent the interests...
Protester rights and Stand for Justice books
This page is an evolving compilation of links and resources so that you can find ways to participate, become informed, stand in solidarity, support those in need, and find support for yourself. Helpful links for protesters to know their rights when protesting or if...
Black Lives Matter resources, Bloomington
A comprehensive listing of resources on racism from Black Lives Matter Bloomington.