Music Huskie Spotlight

Huskie Spotlight: Ranan R.J. Antonini, ’25, Violin Performance

Ranan RJ Antonini (2024)

What did you want to be when you were growing up? When I was a young kid, I wanted to become a soccer player but with time I realized that I had more talent for arts in general, drawing, acting, and music. When I was about 15 years old, I decided what I wanted to pursue as a career, to become a violinist in a professional orchestra.

What is your major (and/or minor) and why did you decide on this course of study? My major is violin performance, I also have a master’s degree in violin performance and a performance certificate as well. Now, I am doing another master’s in music Ed. I wanted to take this course to expand my teaching knowledge and to get a job as a full-time teacher in a high school.

What is your favorite thing about studying and/or playing music at NIU? My favorite thing about studying at NIU is the great faculty quality that the music department has. I came to know NIU because of my violin professor, Mathias Tacke. Most of the professors are very patient and they all have a great level of professionalism and knowledge. That makes me trust and learn a lot from them.

How have you connected with other students at NIU? Most of the students are very friendly and nice, especially with me as an international student. As a foreign student in the beginning I have connected more with other international students and with time got to know more about the DeKalb community and the US culture, which facilitated new friendships with local and American students.

Are you involved in any student organizations or extra-curricular activities? I am connected with the Network of Nations, which is a nonprofit organization that helps and assists international students in Dekalb. I am also a bell choir director at Westminster Presbyterian Church and I sub very often with the Rockford Symphony Orchestra in Rockford, Illinois. I love to belong to these organizations, they have contributed a lot to my personal growth and professional.

Who has been one of your favorite instructors/professors and why? What course do they teach? My violin professor, Mathias Tacke. He teaches violin and music ensemble. Dr. D’ Alexander, teaches music education and string technique, Dr. (Eric) Johnson, choral activities, and Dr. Teresa Wasonga, educational administration. These are very special professors that I have had this last semester, and have impacted my life during the last few months.

Why did you choose NIU to study music? My violin professor, Mathas Tacke invited me to apply to NIU when we first met in 2018. At that time I had just graduated as an undergrad student in Brazil and came to the US to participate in a chamber music festival, and had the chance to meet Mathias.

Where is your favorite spot on campus or in the community?  I like the new Holmes Student Center, it is so big and has a lot of spaces to study meet friends and have a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

What advice would you give to a student who is applying to colleges?  Try to apply to as many colleges as possible, that will increase your chances of negotiating and getting scholarships.

What do you do to relax or recharge? I love to spend a day cooking and having a free day with my wife. We also love to travel and explore new places, and I love to sit down for a nice cup of coffee and listen to some good Brazilian music.

Coming to college, what is something that you have had to learn to do differently? I had to create a better sense of organizing and preparing my schedules to accomplish all assignments and due dates.

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