Music Huskie Spotlight
Huskie Spotlight: Ethan Patterson, ’24, Recording Arts

What did you want to be when you were growing up? Growing up, I wanted to be a zookeeper… I always had a lot of pets and a passion for animals. In high school, I was passionate about the arts–especially creative writing and music. I originally planned on studying English in college and I wrote quite a lot of bad poetry. It’s definitely for the best that I decided to pursue music as my career!
What is your major (and/or minor) and why did you decide on this course of study? I am a recording arts major. I chose this path for myself because I believe that audio recording, editing, mixing, and mastering are very practical careers, like cutting hair or practicing law and it’s a passion of mine that I didn’t have much of a chance to explore during my undergrad.
What is your favorite thing about studying and/or playing music at NIU? My favorite thing about NIU is the diverse collection of students that I have the opportunity to interact with every day. Getting to perform alongside and work with people from across the state and the nation, as well as the world has really inspired me to approach music in a different way.
How have you connected with other students at NIU? I have performed in just about every ensemble here in the School of Music (besides mariachi, banda, and concert choir). My favorite way to meet people has been through performances in percussion ensemble and philharmonic orchestra. As a recording engineer, I have the opportunity to work closely with musicians in a more personable way that is easy to build friendships through as well.
Are you involved in any student organizations or extra-curricular activities? Every semester of my grad experience here, I have run sound for a theatre organization on campus here called the Penguin Players. This campus organization produces live theatre performances for adults with special needs in conjunction with the School of Education. The students and staff involved in this organization are all amazing and inspiring people to spend time with and getting to work these performances always feels heartwarming. For anyone interested in working in theatre and helping out a worthy cause, I recommend working with Penguin Players!
Who has been one of your favorite instructors/professors and why? One of my favorite professors during my time here has been Dr. (Taylor) Atkins, who is in the history department. I took one of his courses last fall called “Rebel Music” and it was an amazing interdisciplinary look at protest music from different societies throughout time. For any music students, I highly suggest taking an interdisciplinary course to expand your horizons as an academic and an artist.
Why did you choose NIU to study music? I chose NIU to study music because it’s not too far away from home without sacrificing a high quality education. By coming here, I’ve been able to stay close with my family and friends from my hometown while still having independence living here in DeKalb. Also, NIU is one of a select few universities in the Midwest that offers a graduate degree in recording arts.
Where is your favorite spot on campus or in the community? I love the lookout point with the fountains and tables behind Davis Hall. I personally think that’s one of the best views on campus. Other than that, I love the rock garden near DuSable Hall. That’s a spot that is very calm at day or night and a chill spot to study or read.
What advice would you give to a student who is applying to colleges? Apply to lots of different programs and take the time to get to know the primary professor in your area of study before making big decisions. Ask current students in the major of your choice their opinions on the program. Also try to get to know the surrounding area of the college you’re applying to. The scenery makes a big difference!
What do you do to relax or recharge? To recharge, I enjoy traveling home to Rockford and spending time with family. I also like playing video games, especially Pokemon, to unwind.
Coming to college, what is something that you have had to learn to do differently? I’ve had to learn how to take notes more effectively, for sure, and come up with a system that makes sense to me. The biggest change I’ve seen in myself has been my organization. In order to stay on top of all of my assignments and projects, I’ve had to implement google calendars and other organizational tools to hold myself to a high standard in the classroom.
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