Music Huskie Spotlight

Huskie Spotlight: Andrew Kinsey, ’25, Music Education and Percussion Performance

Andrew Kinsey (2024)

What did you want to be when you were growing up? From a young age, I didn’t know much about what I wanted to be when I grew older, all I knew was I didn’t want to be in a cubicle at an office job. Growing up in a family of musicians, I saw many diverse career paths that involved playing and teaching music professionally, and I knew I would soon follow in some capacity of my own. I am now pursuing that musical dream of playing and teaching music by studying percussion performance and music education here at NIU.

What is your major and why did you decide on this course of study? I am double majoring in music education and percussion performance. I decided to major in music education because I want to help others foster a fun and healthy connection to music the way that my teachers and family have provided for me. I also decided to pursue a performance degree because of my love for playing and sharing music with others. I plan to continue to play in different ensembles which would include jazz ensembles, orchestral groups, and percussion ensembles.

What is your favorite thing about studying and/or playing music at NIU? One of my favorite things about studying at NIU is the opportunity to perform and learn in many different ensembles to widen my musical horizons. Some of these opportunities include learning classical percussion, jazz drum set, Afro-Cuban hand drumming, Afro-Brazilian percussion, playing in the NIU Steelband, NIU Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Wind Ensemble. I look forward to getting to study in the many world music ensembles NIU offers in future semesters as well.

How have you connected with other students at NIU? I have connected with others at NIU through attending organizations events such as those held by the GSRC, meeting others involved in the NIU Percussion Club, as well as by attending community held events such as DeKalb Pride.

Are you involved in any student organizations or extra-curricular activities? I am currently involved in a student organization as the President of the NIU Percussion Club. Having the opportunity to be in a leadership role in this club has not only taught me different organizational and professional skills, but it has also given me the chance to meet new students, build further relationships with peers, and to learn how to provide a safe space for those attending to have fun and educational experience.

Who has been one of your favorite instructors/professors and why? One of my favorite professors at NIU is Dr. Brian Hart. Dr. Hart teaches multiple classes on music history, and I was fortunate enough to get to spend three semesters already learning from him. Not only is Dr. Hart deeply passionate about what he teaches, but he also has a great care and understanding for all of his students. I always felt valued and supported as a student in his classroom, and Dr. Hart was always willing to help in any way he could to help ensure my understanding and success in his classes.

Why did you choose NIU to study music? I chose to study at NIU for a few reasons that helped drive my decision to study here. The percussion faculty at NIU immediately drew me to want to commit here, not only were Prof Ben Wahlund and Dr. Greg Beyer extremely welcoming in the audition process, but both professors are exceptional musicians who are well respected and active in the percussive arts community. Another reason why NIU was on my radar was because many of my family members have previously graduated from the NIU School of Music. I was already quite familiar with the music building from watching my siblings performances while I was in high school. The last reason which helped lock in my decision to NIU was the scholarship opportunities provided. It was clear for these reasons for me to commit to NIU and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to study here.

Where is your favorite spot on campus or in the community? My favorite spot on campus would have to be the lagoon. I love getting to ride my bike around the lagoon or just sit nearby and get to see the beautiful landscape.

What advice would you give to a student who is applying to colleges? I would say to do as much research as possible about what major you are interested in and look up the different resources provided for students at each school. Reach out for potential observations of the schools and think about which school will fit you best depending on what you value and what you feel comfortable with.

What do you do to relax or recharge? I love cooking so I usually get to recharge from the day when I get to go home, listen to music, and start cooking dinner. I also relax by riding my bike around or by watching movies with my roommates!

Coming to college, what is something that you have had to learn to do differently? I have had to learn real time management skills, which includes keeping a solid calendar and planner with me. Before I made it by with the stock calendar on my phone and just writing in a few events in there, but since coming to college, I’ve had to step up my organizational skills and planning to ensure I wouldn’t miss any required events or deadlines. Even now, It can be difficult to stay on top of all of the events, but I am much more equipped to be successful with adopting a planner and utilizing my google calendar to track all of my obligations!

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