School of Music Concert and Recital programs

Featured Events


Ethan Gonzalez: Senior Vocal Recital -December 4, 2024, 6 p.m.

Student Recital Series Ethan Gonzalez, countertenor Senior Recital Accompanied by: Heewon Cha  Assisted by:    Emily Montelongo, sopranoNaomi Dutton, mezzo-soprano  Wednesday, December 4, 20246:00 pm NIU Recital Hall   Program Strike the viol  Sound the trumpet ...

NIU Percussion Ensemble Winter Concert – December 3, 2024, 7 p.m.

Ensemble Recital Series NIU PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE 2024 WINTER CONCERT Gregory Beyer and Ben Wahlund, DirectorsEthan Cowburn, Assistant DirectorWith Special Guest, Robert ChappellHosts: Dr. Brian Hart and Dr. John Novak Tuesday, December 3, 20247 p.m.Boutell Memorial...

Cody Toth: Senior Tuba Recital – November 26, 2024, 6 p.m.

Student Recital Series Cody Toth Senior Tuba Recital Accompanied by:Chang Xu, piano Tuesday, November 26, 20246:00 p.m.NIU Recital Hall  Program   The Destruction Akira Toda(b. 1951) Logan Bryant , euphoniumHailey Feddersen, euphonium,Logan Yugo, tuba...


Tickets for School of Music concerts are available online only. There are prices for adults, seniors, faculty and staff and non-NIU students. NIU students are admitted free of charge to all performances with pre-reserved tickets. Most recitals are not ticketed. 


Most NIU concerts and recitals are available to watch on our livestream

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