Concert Program

Ensemble Recital Series

NIU Choral Collage Concert

NIU Concert Choir
NIU University Chorus
NIU Chamber Choir

Eric Johnson, director, NIU Chamber Choir & Concert Choir
Mary Lynn Doherty, director, University Chorus

Sunday, March 2, 2025
3:00 pm
Boutell Memorial Concert Hall



Chamber Choir
Vier Quartet, Opus #92
No. 1 O Schöne Nacht
No. 2 Spätherbst
No. 3 Abendlied
No. 4 Warum
Johannes Brahms
University Chorus
Veni Sancte Spiritus
(Come, Holy Spirit)
W. A. Mozart
Vocal Ensemble:
Ave Cassens, Julia Hart, Ceci Wolfe, soprano
Rose Malcome, Kelly Nelson, Olivia Yarbrough, alto
Bryn Callahan, Alex Hager, tenor
Colton Dean, Eduardo Zamudio, bass
Chamber Orchestra Members:
Sally Waterhouse, Javier Polania, violins
Jacob Seabrook, viola
Sofia Vrettou, cello
Carmen Houde, Liam Weber, horn
Bianca Zhinin, Jackson Vanderbleek, trumpet
Fernando Marroquin Mendoza, Amanda Fujii, oboe
No Time Arr. by Susan Brumfield
Ngana from Songs of Passage
Stephen Leek
(b. 1959)
It Takes a Village Joan Szymko
(b. 1957)
Brayden Dulin and Carly Jackson, soloists
Andrew Kinsey, percussion

Concert Choir
Cantiam, Nina Cantiamo Giovanni Paiseillo
The Pasture Z. Randall Stroope
(b. 1953)
The Ground Ola Gjeilo
(b. 1978)
Measure Me Sky Elaine Hagenberg
(b. 1979)



Brahms Opus 92 – No. 1 O Schöne Nacht

Oh lovely night!
In the sky, magically,
The moon shines in all its splendor;
Around it, the pleasant company of little stars.

Dew glistens brightly on green stems;
In the lilac bush, the nightingale sings lustily.
The youth steals away quietly to his love.
Oh Lovely Night.

(Brahms Opus 92 Translations by Jeffers)

Brahms Opus 92 – No. 2 Spätherbst

The grey mist drips so silently
Down on the field and forest and heath,
As if the heavens wished to weep,
In overwhelming grief.

The flowers will bloom no more;
The little birds are silent in the groves.
Even the last green is dead-
Thus the heavens may well weep.

(Brahms Opus 92 Translations by Jeffers)

Brahams Opus 92 – No. 3 Abendlied

In peaceful opposition
Night struggles with day.
What ability it has to soften,
What ability it has to relieve!

Sorrow that oppresses me,
Are you already asleep?
That which made me happy,
say, my heart, what was it then?

Joy, like grief,
I feel, melts away;
But they bring me slumber
As they fade away.

And in the vanishing,
Ever upward,
My entire life passes before me,
Like a lullabye

(Brahms Opus 92 Translations by Jeffers)

Brahms Opus 92 – No. 4 Warum

Why then do songs
Resound heavenwards?
They would fein draw down the stars
That twinkle and sparkle above;
The would draw to themselves
The moons lovely embrace
They would fain draw the warm, blissful days
Of blessed gods down on us.

(Brahms Opus 92 Translations by Jeffers)

The Ground

Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
Hosanna in the highest.
Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world
Grant us peace.

Cantiam, Nina Cantiamo (Translation)
Let’s sing, Nina let’s sing
About our pleasures and affections.
Let’s praise such a beautiful heart,
Let’s praise her favor.
Graceful like the sun,
And as such helpful,
She often caresses us
And is willing to help.
Love, always love,
Dear ones, your Nina, never abandon her;
Kindness deserves kindness
We think your woes will soon cease.
We also hope it: that it will cease soon.
Then go ahead, be merry,
That very soon he’ll return.
I see, my friends, you care,
You wish to comfort me.
To our wishes finally heaven complies,
Believe it,
Your faithful and tender friend today will return.
Oh heaven! Oh joy!
Him? My boyfriend? Returns?
Ah, who could understand my happiness,
Love, your Nina, requires love.
Let’s sing, Nina let’s sing
About our pleasures and affections.
Let’s praise such a beautiful heart,
Let’s praise her favor.


NIU Concert Choir Spring 2025

Accompanist, Minjung Kim


Mikayla Ahren

Evangelina Combs

Kaylie Emmer

Sondos Hassan

Emily Kmetz

Lyric Johnson

Emialy Legaspi

Milan Nielson

Maia Orlovsky

Chenoa Randolph

Kyla Reisenbichler

Thalila Sisou

Kaleigh Wicknick



Rain Anzaldua

Amelia Arndt

Sarah Calgaro

Isabella Froh

Anna Knecht

Kayti Miller

Cassandra Valdes

Allison Wilson

Chloe Weeks

Rachel Yasutake



Matthew Ellis

Jake Foland

Eduardo Garcia

Quinn Jamrose

Sam Lynas

EmVi Legaspi

Joseph Quaynor



Eli Clarke

Georgi Dimitrov

Boone Elledge

Ryan Jensen

Gunnar Magnuson

Cameron Neis

Jonathan Rivera

Adrian Sommerfield

Emerson Valyou

Nolan Valyou


NIU University Chorus Spring 2025

Olive Wynn, Accompanist


Riley Anderson

Maya Arredondo

Emily Bauer

Lily Benitez

Ava Cassens

Hailey Fedderson

Julia Hart

Carly Jackson

Jocelyn Kuntz

Lily Malekfar

Xavier Phillips

Natalia Sawicka

Niya Teague

Cecelia Wolfe



Jenna Brown

KaLilah Chears

Maggie Eckes

Sam Garcia

Megumi Goto

Aaliyah LeSure

Ash Lehning

Rose Malcome

Giavanna Mayotte

Anna Melik

Kelly Nelson

Tiffany Ohnemus

Gracie Raab

Zinnia Wedige

Lorelei Wesselowski

Olivia Yarbrough

Shaliyah Young



Bryn Callahan

Silas Ashby

Phoenix Brosman

Alex Coronel

Brayden Dulin

Hunter Egelhoff

Talia Grzelak

Alex Hager

Nick Ivanoff

Nick Nelson

Kenneth Ryan

A.J. Villa

John White



Jonas Baker

Will Carr

Danny Clements

Zach Cooper

Colton Dean

Isaac Lopez

Christian Martinez

Frederick Melki

Mik Mieczkowski

Justin Pirtle

Christopher Staton

Eric Wahl

Eduardo Zamudio

NIU Chamber Choir Spring 2025

Minjung Kim, Accompanist



Evangelina Combs

Kayla Lockhart

Rachel Yasutaki

Allison Wilson



Sarah Calgaro

Anna Knecht

Kayti Miller



Jonnie Kullins

Sam Lynas

Joseph Quaynor

Matt Skirmont



Boone Elledge

Ryan Jensen

Ryan Nelson

Daniel Chukwunyem

Georgie Dimitrov


Tickets for School of Music concerts are available online only. There are prices for adults, seniors, faculty and staff and non-NIU students. NIU students are admitted free of charge to all performances with pre-reserved tickets. Most recitals are not ticketed.



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