The fall semester production season in the School of Theatre and Dance concludes with the Fall Dance Concert featuring...

The fall semester production season in the School of Theatre and Dance concludes with the Fall Dance Concert featuring...
Sophie Treadwell's 1928 true crime account of a murder and its prosecution is the next production in the NIU School of...
The Master's in Fine Arts in acting program in the NIU School of Theatre and Dance is crowdfunding donations to help...
The 2023-2024 performance season in the NIU School of Theatre and Dance concludes with the annual Spring Dance Concert opening Thursday, April 25 with a 7:30 p.m. performance in the O'Connell Theatre in NIU's Stevens Building. Subsequent performances will be held at...
The NIU School of Theatre and Dance presents Booked and Blessed...OR BUST! a heartfelt examination of the many struggles that self-made actors go through. Written by Alexander Perez, the production directed by Frankie DiCiaccio runs April 5-7 and April 11-13 in the...
As you watch a live performance, every minute of entertainment represents hours of work behind the scenes by entertainment engineers. Technical directors and designers use mathematics, engineering and artistry to keep performers and audiences safe while producing...
Witch, the story of a devil arriving in a small English village to bargain for souls only to find that the toughest adversary is a woman cast out as a "witch," is the second show of the spring in the NIU School of Theatre and Dance. Based on a 400 year old play, "The...
Anxious People! by Carol Lee is a play about anxious people. And it is the first production in the spring season of the NIU School of Theatre and Dance opening Friday, February 16 in the Sally Stevens Players Theatre in the NIU Stevens Building. An hour and a half...
As part of Northern Illinois University's Black Heritage Month events, the NIU Center for Black Studies and the NIU School of Theatre and Dance are hosting a workshop and performance by Indiana University's African American Dance Company. The workshop includes a...
Stanton Davis, associate professor in the School of Theatre and Dance and Kerry Wilks, dean of the NIU Graduate School and associate vice president for International Affairs presented at the international Hispanic Classical Theater Conference in El Paso, Texas last...
Gibson Cima, assistant professor of theatre history and head of the bachelor of arts in theatre studies program in the NIU School of Theatre and Dance was honored by the American Society for Theatre Research with the David Keller Travel Award. The award is in honor of...
The NIU School of Theatre and Dance presents the annual Fall Dance Concert, Thursday, November 30 through December 3 on the stage of O'Connell Theatre in the NIU Stevens Building. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. from November 30 through December 2, with 2 p.m. matinees...