WE INSIST! is a jazz and Black arts action community and an evolving project to convey a True history. WE INSIST! is intended to stimulate discussion, to exist in collaboration with the movement to protect Black lives, and to offer arts, educational, media, and business communities topics and possible positions on pressing intersectional topics such as: education, children, hiring practices, gentrification, patriarchy, sexuality, and the eradication of Black economic subservience and state-sponsored murder and brutality. Through the heart of jazz, WE INSIST! forges an anti-racist and anti-sexist path with the Black liberation movement.
Recent Posts
NIU CVPA to present live staged reading of Waiting For Godot, March 19
NIU Art Museum Announces upcoming exhibitions opening March 19
US Army Field Band and Soldiers’ Chorus to perform at School of Music, April 6
Chicago-based playwright Ike Holter’s “Prowess” opens in School of Theatre and Dance, Feb. 28
Theatre and Dance presents a Ukrainian Reading Project event, Feb. 23
Theatre and Dance spring season begins with Caridad Svich’s Holler River
Chinese Music Ensemble featured in NPR story about Lunar New Year
NIU Art Museum upcoming bus excursions
Meryl McMaster next up in Elizabeth Allen Scholars in Art History Lecture Series, Feb. 5
Joe Miñoso, MFA ’04, featured in Hello! magazine